Sunday, 18 April 2010

I had to face the music

And it played: 5.5 gain! No surprise there. Considering this is over 3 weeks of going far (far far far) over my points most everyday, it could have been far worse, I suppose. But of course it still brings me down. What a waste of time and money. But I hope that this kick in the butt is enough to put me back on the right track.

Went straight into the gym afterwards and ran for an hour on the treadmill and made it 9.5 km. That´s the furthest and longest I´ve run in many years. In fact there´s only once I ever ran longer. So that´s a fantastic feeling of achievment. It didn´t even wear me out, I could have gone on, but my loved ones were waiting for me. So fitnesswise I´m getting better and better and some of the gain will be muscle, but still.....

So, dinner will be a carrot-potatoesoup for 2 points and tomorrow I´ll go back to tracking.

So back on the wagon. Again.


1 comment:

  1. yum i love potato soup! sorry about your gain im right there with you, but tomorrow is never too late to start again. lets just change our tunes and this time, we will sing along. out of key. haha
